Architecture, Artisan crafts, Ceramic and glass art, Cinema, Drawing, Fashion, Furniture design, Graphic design, Graffiti, Illustration, Interior design, Opera, Painting, Photography, Print making, Product design, Radio, Textile design, Theatre, Sculpture and welding, Video, Visual arts, Web design and new media art, Writing, African Music, Asian Music, Blues music, Classic music, Country music, Electronic Music, Latin American Music, Folk Music, Pop music, R'n'B music, Rock Music, Ska Music, Techno Music, Jam sessions
I want to...
meet up with other bonvoyartists when they are visiting my town, meet up with other bonvoyartists when I am travelling, give tips via message, host bonvoyartists in my house
I am... (write something about yourself, your inspiration, your style...)
A loving boyfriend who is an illustrator at heart who has a passion for travelling and being inspired...
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